Friday, November 14, 2008

First visit

We met with the good people at Children's Home Society this afternoon. Able to meet with specialists from both the Ethiopia and Nepal programs. Ethiopia has always been our main focus, but we were interested in Nepal as well. Too many gray areas involving Nepal at this time. Children's Home Society has only had their Nepal license for three weeks. So many good things said regarding the Ethiopia program that we think that is the way to go.
Actually, that is how we have always felt, but we have tried to keep an open mind.

We were given a two page intial application, and were told to fill it out and send it in. Then they would send us the main application. Obviously, they don't know the Nomeland's. Becky filled out the form in the lobby, and we left with the main application. Anything to get this long process moving. Rebecca already has an appointment Monday for her required physical, and I hopefully can get mine done this week as well. We have to have three people fill out recommendation forms for us. We plan to give them each 24 hours to get them in the mail. We are crazy anxious now, and the next year plus is going to be reallllyyy lonnnnngggggg. Made some calls to family, friends etc. Everyone is so excited and supportive. Especially our two boys. Peter (7) talks about the idea of a new sister everyday. I asked Henry (6) if he was excited about getting a new sister. He told me yes, and also excited about getting a new game for his Nintendo DS. Oh, he is in for a big surprise when he learns what its like to be a big brother.