Thursday, September 10, 2009

Watchin the phone.....

Rebecca has been scouring the internet forums to see when people are getting their adoption approval, in relation to their Log In Date. She has learned that there are a few families in the China WIC program that are logged in just ahead of us, that are getting final approval from China.
This realization has moved us from "patiently waiting", to "freaked out". When I call home, Rebecca usually is disappointed that it wasn't Children's Home Society with the good news.
We keep saying that we are aware it can still be a long wait.......but we are just saying that. Every hour of every day we are thinking someone will call us and tell us its time to make plans to go get our little girl.
It will be 6-8 weeks after final approval to actually make the trip, but thats when we get to send a care package, and start really making plans. (not that we haven't done that already).