Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Sydney!

We were so much hoping on the day we matched that we could somehow wish our little daughter a Happy Birthday in person. She turns 4 today, and we hope she knows we are coming, and has received our care package. We were hoping to have gotten some type of word from ChaoHu on how she is doing, or even some updated pictures. That hasn't happened, but we are assuming she knows we are coming, and that she is enjoying her special day.
I know that her 5th will be awesome, and her mom is already making plans to spoil her next year.

On the home front, Peter came home sick yesterday with a stomach ache, but rallied this morning and made it back to school. His brother just came home early guessed it, a stomach ache. Slight fever too. Ugh.

Waiting for the next round of H1N1 vaccine to show up so we can all get that done. Not that we probably haven't all gotten it here in the last couple of weeks.

Just so we get it out of the way before the trip. The Chinese are checking temperatures as you arrive at the airport and quarantine not only those with a fever, but those sitting in the vicinity of anyone with a fever. Our hope is that a letter from our doctor stating we are all vaccinated might get us a free pass if we end up sitting near a "fever".

Anyway, just a dreary, cold and wet day here in Minnesota. Sunny and 80 for Sydney Shuang in ChaoHu today. Wish we were there....