Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday took us to a Buddist Temple, a local museum and shopping. Mom and Dad really liked the temple, the boys liked the museum, and Sidney was tired. Probably from the 6 shots yesterday. We all got a bit run down from the day.
Becky and Sydney got blessed by a Buddist monk at the temple. It was pretty cool to watch.
Guangzhou is much better for walking, and we are enjoying being outside in the 70 degree weather. Sydney loves riding around in a stroller. She sits in it in the hotel.
Guangzhou is also under construction/renovation- everywhere. Our hotel area, Shamian Island, is full blown scaffolding and heavy machinery. They tell us its all for the Asian Games, which will be held here next November.
Tomorrow we are laying low. I (T.J.) am looking forward to Starbuck's in the morning.