Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Waiting to come home.

It is noon on Wednesday, and we are really feeling ready to go home. Yesterday we had a free day. Our agency reps took our paperwork to the US consulate and everything was good. Today we go to the consulate and give some type of oath. Then tomorrow we receive Sydney's passport with her new visa. That is our last leg of the paperwork journey. Some families are leaving Thursday, but they are heading by train to Hong Kong. From there they go to Tokyo and then to the US. We head out Friday, but get to go straight from the Guangzhou airport to LA. Just to be able to brush our teeth with tap water seems like a luxury.
Sydney is using more and more English. Juice, Shoes, Boys, Potty, Peter, Henry, Mommy, Daddy, Purse, ABCDEFG, Hello, Hi are all part of her new vocabulary.

We ventured to the local market where we saw more ginger root and dried seahorses for sale than you can imagine. Thankfully the rain has stopped. Unfortunately the construction has not. We are smack dab in the middle of a gigantic renovation, and it has made every walk an adventure. You basically are allowed to move right through the projects.

More pictures to come soon. Just too lazy to get it all done for now.

Love to all,
the Nomelands