Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Better news

We have gotten preliminary approval to adopt our little girl by the Chinese government! Of course this just means that they have allowed us to submit everything else for review, but good news anyway.
Another step completed.....

We also received two updated photos, and had our questions answered, updating her medical info since her last report was over a year old. Everything is great. Despite her hip issues, she is walking and running (with a slight limp) but the Chinese doctors still say surgery is recommended.

She is adorable. We are excited. Can't wait.....

.....and while we wait, we have completed our physicals for China, gotten our Hep A vaccinations and local background checks. My updated passport should arrive shortly.

Our current plan (and the plan changes weekly) is to bring the boys. This means getting them passports and vaccinations as well. Can't imagine how a trip to China at such a young age can't but open up your mind to so many great thoughts and ideas. It will be a challenge to bring them, but others blogs have been very encouraging.

In retrospect, we should have paid for our next door neighbor to be a notary. Man would that have saved us some grief. Note to any prospective international adopter, pay a friend to be a notary!