Sunday, November 15, 2009

Boys Weekend.

The boys and I (Tom, aka T.J.) are holding down the fort with Rebecca gone with her friends in Iowa. Last night, Henry asked for ice cream after dinner and said "its guys weekend, we can do whatever we want!". He had a point, so we had ice cream.

Its so strange to finally have flights booked and concrete plans after so many months of uncertainty and waiting. Both boys seem to be ready to go. Peter seems mostly to have some anxiety about coming home. He is always saying we don't have to make a big deal about telling people about the trip. Henry just seems ready to go. I am sure when we get closer, he will be a little nervous like the rest of us.

Nervous but excited. We have been watching videos of people's "gotcha day". We never have liked the term "gotcha", but the more we see it, the more we seem to have accepted it. Watching the videos of the moment families meet their new son or daughter has prepared us for the fact that every family's experience is different. We have found one with a four year old girl, and we watch it all the time.

I practiced uploading a video to the blog. Glad I did because it took me quite awhile to work out the bugs. We have gotten a netbook, to fit in with our minimalist packing plan. We are taking everything you can fit in four backpacks, so everything is lightweight, mini, and packable. Whatever space is left, will be stuffed with granola bars and EasyMac.

Peter has informed me he needs breakfast. It is still guys weekend, so waffles it is.